LMDE 3 Linux installation

500 Words | Approximately 2 Minutes Read | Last Modified on February 4, 2020

LMDE 3 is the Linux desktop distro I use. It mostly work out of the box but additional tweaks are necessary to iron out some rough edges as I’m documenting below.

mate desktop environment

For some reason the default cinnamon often uses 100% CPU and is sometimes slow to respond. I therefore use mate desktop environment instead.

To set it up,

sudo apt-get install mate-desktop-environment caja-open-terminal

and at login screen, choose mate desktop environment to login.

Enable mouse middle botton clickor

Or, left-right click at the same time.

First, list the device

$ xinput list
⎡ Virtual core pointer                    	id=2	[master pointer  (3)]
⎜   ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer              	id=4	[slave  pointer  (2)]
⎜   ↳ Logitech USB Trackball                  	id=9	[slave  pointer  (2)]
⎣ Virtual core keyboard                   	id=3	[master keyboard (2)]
    ↳ Virtual core XTEST keyboard             	id=5	[slave  keyboard (3)]
    ↳ Power Button                            	id=6	[slave  keyboard (3)]
    ↳ Apple Inc. Apple Keyboard               	id=7	[slave  keyboard (3)]
    ↳ Apple Inc. Apple Keyboard               	id=8	[slave  keyboard (3)]
    ↳ BRLTTY 5.4 Linux Screen Driver Keyboard 	id=10	[slave  keyboard (3)]

Seeing the mouse has id=9 we list its properties,

$ xinput list-props 9
Device 'Logitech USB Trackball':
	Device Enabled (153):	1
	Coordinate Transformation Matrix (155):	1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000
	libinput Accel Speed (288):	0.000000
	libinput Accel Speed Default (289):	0.000000
	libinput Accel Profiles Available (290):	1, 1
	libinput Accel Profile Enabled (291):	1, 0
	libinput Accel Profile Enabled Default (292):	1, 0
	libinput Natural Scrolling Enabled (293):	0
	libinput Natural Scrolling Enabled Default (294):	0
	libinput Send Events Modes Available (273):	1, 0
	libinput Send Events Mode Enabled (274):	0, 0
	libinput Send Events Mode Enabled Default (275):	0, 0
	libinput Left Handed Enabled (295):	0
	libinput Left Handed Enabled Default (296):	0
	libinput Scroll Methods Available (297):	0, 0, 1
	libinput Scroll Method Enabled (298):	0, 0, 1
	libinput Scroll Method Enabled Default (299):	0, 0, 1
	libinput Button Scrolling Button (300):	2
	libinput Button Scrolling Button Default (301):	2
	libinput Middle Emulation Enabled (302):	0
	libinput Middle Emulation Enabled Default (303):	0
	libinput Rotation Angle (304):	0.000000
	libinput Rotation Angle Default (305):	0.000000
	Device Node (276):	"/dev/input/event3"
	Device Product ID (277):	1133, 50184
	libinput Drag Lock Buttons (306):	<no items>
	libinput Horizontal Scroll Enabled (307):	1

The setting for middle click is libinput Middle Emulation Enabled and it is currently 0, suggesting that it is disabled. To enable it,

xinput set-prop 9 "libinput Middle Emulation Enabled" 1