Hiking to Ross Dock Picnic Area

300 Words | Approximately 2 Minutes Read | Last Modified on May 12, 2022

If you drive please follow the driving direction on Google Map.

If you use public transportation, you can get off the bus somewhere by the bridge and walk to the dock. If you follow direction on Google map it’s going to be a nice walk but quite long, as shown below:

Figure 1

However there is a short-cut of 15min walk that you can find on the east side of Northbridge Park. First navigate to Northbridge Park you should find a skybridge as shown in white in the center of the image below:

Figure 2

Follow the path, you should soon see a sign as shown in the image below:

Figure 3

Follow the direction of “Fort Lee Historical Park” route on the right for a couple hundred yards, you should see a U-turn leading to rocky stairs down hill:

Figure 5

These stairs will lead you to that big gray dot on Henry Hudson Dr below, from there it is just a short smooth and easy walk to the dock:

Figure 4

The stairs are a bit trickier than regular apartment stairs but it’s a short 5 minutes, perfectly walkable to people at my age (30s; also this clip from the Chinese movie Pushing Hands may give you a more vivid idea). Still please be extra careful if you take this path particulary if you haven’t been exercising recently.

Hope to see you there at the Picnic area!
